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How to migrate users

Migrating user accounts between version 2 and 3 is no trivial task and problems can occur. If you only have a few accounts, consider creating them from scratch. If that is not an option, the following instructions are a starting point to moving them over.

A new approach to user accounts

The account structure differs significantly from version 2. In Kirby 3, accounts still live in /site/accounts. However, each account consists of a folder (named with a hash of its ID) and three files:

  • yMr6qjWF
    • .htpasswd
    • index.php
    • user.txt

The .htpasswd is used to store the encrypted password. The index.php contains system-critical data such as the email address, user name, language and role. Finally, the user.txt stores any additional user data.

Migrate your accounts

To migrate your Kirby 2 user accounts to Kirby 3, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Backup all Kirby 2 account files from /site/accounts. Things can go wrong. We do not want you to lose this important data.
  2. Create user blueprints for every user role. If you do not create these first, all user accounts will be assigned the role nobody.
  3. Remove the .logins and index.html files from /site/accounts. Only your Kirby 2 account files should be left.
  4. Put the following migrate.php script into your document root next to the index.php and run it by visiting
  5. Delete the script.

Kirby 3 requires passwords to be at least 8 characters long. If a password from Kirby 2 is shorter, users will not be able to log in with these old passwords. In those cases, please generate the hash of a new password with the User::hashPassword() method and write it manually to the corresponding .htpasswd.

The migrate.php script


require __DIR__ . '/kirby/bootstrap.php';

$kirby = new Kirby;
$dir   = $kirby->root('accounts');

// authenticate as almighty

// loop through each K2 account file
foreach (Dir::files($dir) as $account) {

    // read K2 account file
    $data  = Data::read($dir . '/' . $account, 'yaml');

    // prepare data to be processed
    $name        = $data['username'];
    $email       = $data['email'];
    $password    = $data['password'];
    $role        = $data['role'];
    $language    = $data['language'];


    // create new K3 user account
    $user = $kirby->users()->create([
        'email'    => $email,
        'name'     => $name,
        'role'     => $role,
        'language' => $language,
        'content'  => $data

    // write K2 password hash to .htpasswd
    F::write($dir . '/' . $user->id() . '/.htpasswd', $password);

    // delete K2 account file
    F::remove($dir . '/' . $account);

    echo 'User migrated: ' . $user->email() . '<br>';

Update user fields

If you have used user fields in Kirby 2 to store e.g. the author of a blog post, you will need to update these field values if you want to use them with the new users field. The following script helps you to update the fields after you have migrated all user accounts.

Before you run this script, make sure to remove all title fields from your blueprints, otherwise your titles will be deleted.


require __DIR__ . '/kirby/bootstrap.php';

$kirby = new Kirby;

// If running into timeouts, change the following
// line to a smaller pages collection
$pages = $kirby->site()->index();

// authenticate as almighty

// loop through each page
foreach ($pages as $page) {

    // get all fields for this page
    $fields = $page->blueprint()->fields();

    // loop through each field
    foreach ($fields as $field) {

        // only deal with user/s fields
        if (in_array($field['type'], ['users', 'user'])) {

            // get old username
            $name = $page->{$field['name']}();

            if ($name->isNotEmpty()) {

                // find user by old username
                if ($user = $kirby->users()->findBy('username', $name)) {

                    // update with email as identifier
                        $field['name'] => Yaml::encode([

                } else {
                    echo 'User "' . $name . '" could not be found.<br>';