Templating recipes
How to use the same template/controller/model for pages with different blueprints
Create virtual pages from a set of uploaded images and their meta data.
Add a load more button to your listings and append items via Ajax.
Understanding classes, objects, member functions and common pitfalls
"Don't repeat yourself" (DRY) is a coding paradigm that when not heeded can seriously harm performance.
Update a blocks field from the frontend, for example from form data
Share the content of a controller across multiple templates
Control caching from a blueprint option or a field
Create custom menus from the Panel leveraging the power of the pages and the structure field
Get text labels for your option values from fields
Split long post into separate pages with pagination
Set a unique title for the homepage.
Add custom CSS and JavaScript to style individual pages without the need for additional templates.
Tie pages to a person. Create an author system for your blog posts.
Access blueprints and use this data to control your logic.
Set up a blog system with an overview, articles, tags, feeds and more.
Create different templates for different kinds of content.
Create a JSON representation of your blog content in Kirby.
Foreach loops are control structures useful in many contexts.
Create any kind of menu you need for your project.
Create a one-pager for small companies or simple portfolios.
Use pagination to divide content into a list of digestible chunks.
Learn some PHP basics that make creating templates a breeze.
Create a previous/next navigation for your site.