(image: …)
Embeds an image
caption |
link |
title |
Examples and options:
Image of the current page
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg)
Image of another internal page
(image: some/other/page/myawesomepicture.jpg)
External image
(image: http://example.com/images/myawesomepicture.jpg)
Image with alternative text
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg alt: This is an awesome picture)
Image with a caption
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg caption: I took this image in the park)
Image with a title
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg title: I took this image in the park)
Image with a link
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg link: http://flickr.com)
Image with a link to itself
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg link: self)
Image with a link to an internal page
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg link: some/page)
Image with a link to an internal file
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg link: some/page/somedocument.pdf)
Image with a link and a specified target
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg link: http://flickr.com target: _blank)
Image with a link and a rel
(image: myphoto.jpg link: http://mywebsite.com rel: me)
Image with a custom CSS class applied to the figure element
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg class: floated)
Image with a custom CSS class applied to the img element
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg imgclass: myimage)
Image with a custom CSS class applied to the link element
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg link: http://flickr.com linkclass: myimage)
Image with defined width
and height
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg width: 500 height: 300)